Sukh Shanti
Sukh Shanti (Home–cum–training–centre) is a short stay Home registered in Maharashtra under Rule 5, of Bombay Women’s and Children’s Institution licensing Rules 1958, Registration No. 124. SukhShanti is also registered under “Orphanages & Other Charitable Institution (Care &Protection ) Act 1960.
Earlier it was under the scheme of Central Government. At present it is called Sukh Shanti – Short stay home under Swadhar scheme.
Who can be referred to SukhShanti ?
Women who are victims of domestic violence are referred by police, self referral, or through Ngos , and social workers etc.
For whom is the Sukh Shanti Home ?
The short stay home caters to any woman in distress who is above the age of 18 years, especially those who are victims of domestic violence or any other circumstances. Protection and care is also provided if the woman has children less than 8 years of age( boys) .
Services provided at such shanti–
Food, shelter and education everything is provided free to the women. At the home the woman is helped to settle down emotionally as most of the women are traumatised. Once they are relaxed, counselors at Sukh Shanti talk to the woman and obtain information from them and help in tracing their parents or relatives.
If the woman’s relatives accept her then she is sent back to her family after counseling. If the woman is not ready to return to her family (the woman being an adult is given the freedom to decide) she can continue to stay in the Sukh Shanti home till any other rehabilitation. She can stay in the home for upto three years. Girls who wish to complete their education are encouraged to appear for examination through open Board/University.
The women who are given shelter in the institution are provided physical, psychological, and legal support to facilitate them to be part of the main stream of society. In some cases their marriages are also performed if they request SS for the same.
On an average there are 30 women in the Sukh Shanti Home on any given day. So far in 42 years more than 14,000 women are rehabilitated.